Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Clarity of Complication

As my journey towards Christ continues, I find that as one idea or struggle in my life slowly migrates towards clarification, it is inevitable that another is welcomed by complication. To be honest, my involvement in youth ministry has polarized the chasm between the clear and the confusing even further. However, while I am certainly not immune to spiritual pride and laziness, my circumstances render complacency impossible. In all honesty, if I woke up one morning to the silence of complete clarity, I would assume that I had arrived in heaven. The dichotomy between spiritual clarity and opacity continually challenges my thoughts and considerations as a Christian.

For example, participating in youth ministry has clarified my responsibilities as a disciple of Christ. However, it has complicated the cost involved therein. John MacArthur writes, “The call that Jesus gave was a call to follow Him, a call to submission, a call to obedience. It was never a plea to make some kind of momentary decision to acquire forgiveness and peace and heaven and then go on living anyway you wanted. The invitations of Jesus to the lost were always direct calls to a costly commitment.” Thus far, my experience with youth reveals the seemingly intangible cost of relational investment. Earning their trust far beyond the social atmosphere requires time spent in fellowship and conversation. Complication lies in living a truly counter-cultural lifestyle of selfless dedication to Christ. The subtle, yet significant difference between “counter-cultural” and “anti-cultural” resides in the difficulty between engaging culture and embracing it.

My involvement in youth ministry has also guided me towards the recognition of a true ministerial paradigm shift (more specifically within my own community) but has convoluted my thoughts on how to properly respond to the emerging changes in youth culture. We have an obligation to do far more than merely entertain our youth and present a culturally appealing Gospel. Our youth are more perceptive than that. What were once effective methods of reaching youth and sharing the Gospel have become somewhat outdated. I believe that simplicity should be the driving force behind embracing the shift. Yet, the simplicity of the Gospel lies beyond the complexity of the struggle to live it. Therein lies complication. Recognition of God’s call is no doubt a blessing. But, it is merely the beginning of a tremendous journey towards obedience and discipleship.

I am fortunate enough to spend time with amazing youth every day. And every day I am confidently reminded that my call was specific and clear. However, complete clarity remains a fleeting aspiration while complication seems to arrive on time and unannounced. Our hope lies in the notion that both will be temporary and neither will be absolute.

-- Brimas

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