Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Miquell's Meal

Our God is a God of second chances...and third...and fourth...I think you get the idea. My point is that we have opportunities to engage God at times and in places we least expect it regardless of our past. Whether our past years, months, days, or even hours have been some that we are not particularly proud of, God invites us to share in the glory of His redemption.

I met a guy the other night who was down on his luck. His name was Miquell and he was looking for a bite to eat. We got some food and I was speaking with him and he mentioned how thankful he was for the food and then he recited a couple of verses from the Gospel of Matthew. He said, "I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink...Whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

Think about it. Christ is essentially saying that our actions towards others are our actions towards Him. When we embrace others...we embrace Him. When we reject others...we reject Him. When we love others...we love Him.

I don't know if Miquell's meal will change his life in any dramatic fashion. But for those 30 minutes...I met Jesus face to face.


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